District 10 is proud to report that the Washington State Fiddle Championships was a huge success! We had a healthy turn out especially in the youth divisions! Due to this strong turnout, at times it was tricky keeping the schedule on track but we made it work. Our Championship division attracted a number of national champions and provided an exciting and powerful final rounds and round robin. The whole contest was livestreamed all weekend and can be viewed anytime at https://youtube.com/@wastatefiddlechampionships4432?si=Kzk8Gh5E6RxdobaA
We had some difficulties the morning of the first day but was able to correct it by the afternoon session.
We are already gearing up to do it again next year!
A big thank you to all our volunteers who worked tirelessly to raise funds and execute this contest. Would never have happened without you! Also, our wonderful community member sponsors who helped raise funds and directly donated. District 9 stepped up early on and WOTFA GENEROUSLY contributed!
Results are posted at https://www.facebook.com/100064754030313/posts/934594835375642/?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v
Congrats to Jacie Sites! Along with treating us to her phenomenal fiddle skills in the final rounds she won the Kennedy raffle for the wonderful violin they donated. See her reaction here : https://www.facebook.com/100064754030313/posts/934776868690772/?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v

If you’d like to be involved with this wonderful fiddling event contact Denice Carter:
Fidlmom1@gmail.com or text to 303 859 4268
Thank you all! Happy Fiddling!