Welcome to winter and the New Year! It’s been great to have the sun back after all those rainy and foggy days.
We had lots of fun on January 4th at our regular meeting/jam. There were a good number of folks of every age and ability. Quite a few people played fiddles, guitars, mandolins, and there was even a clarinet! As always it was great to have Katie and Tyler playing music with us. They raise the level of our music and stretch us with songs we don’t play very often. At this meeting, we voted to add 3 more jams to our schedule. We will be jamming from 1 pm – 4 pm on April 26th, May 3 rd, and June 7th. I have listed them on the website, but you might put them on your calendar so you don’t forget. Here are some pictures of all of us having a wonderful time.
Our circle jam on the 25 of January was well attended. We played a variety of songs and everyone joined in. We were blessed to have John show up with his banjo to add another distinct sound to the music. Cici is steadily getting better on the fiddle while not practicing very much, which confuses us all. Oh to be young again! Bella is great in a jam because she learns most songs as other people play them and is usually able to either harmonize or just play the song outright. Our jams are so fun because everyone brings different songs to play which are new or just some old favorites. It is always a good mix. Thanks to everyone who set up and brought snacks. Also, we are so happy that each person who came made time in their busy schedule to spend it playing music. We missed everyone else and hope you can come next time. Here are a few pictures.
Our events for the next few months are as follows:
1. Sat, February 1st, Meeting/Jam 11 am – 4 pm
2. Sat, February 22nd, Circle jam 1 pm – 4 pm
3. Sat, March 1st, Meeting/Jam 11 am – 4 pm
4. Sat, March 22nd, Circle jam 1 pm – 4 pm
5. Sat, April 5th, Meeting/Jam 11 am – 4 pm
6. Sat, April 26th, Circle jam 1 pm – 4 pm
The website has more information about our events. Be sure to look them up. On the homepage, pick HOME, then ABOUT US, then District 6. You will see upcoming events for District 6 and quite a few newsletters starting with the most recent. It’s a great resource. Check it out.
There is also still time to renew your membership or join up for the Washington Old Time Fiddlers Association. It’s easy to do on the website or there are directions for mailing a check also. All memberships run through the end of 2025 regardless of when you renew.
Thanks to everyone in District 6 who plays at our playdates. It is great that you all donate your time to make people happy and continue earning money for our district which we use for summer workshop scholarships and renting the space where we hold our events.
Keep up the music in your hearts and in your days with practice or jamming. Questions or comments, email me at timbuktoe@yahoo.com
Thanks for reading.
Jenny Swanson