Happy New Year Everyone!  I’ve looked for some inspiring words for the winter days that are now, thankfully, getting a bit longer while still being quite chilly.

  • If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?~Shelley
  • Cheers to a New Year and another Chance to get it Right~Oprah
  • You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step~MLK, Jr

Here’s to a healthy and music filled 2025 for everyone.  Be sure you’ve renewed your membership!

January found us with no playouts.  While still jamming every Tuesday, it’s been a bit quiet, just as the season seems to dictate.

Future playouts

  • Feb 6-Fieldstone
  • Feb 14-Canterbury (we’ll play Lover’s Waltz and Sweet Georgia Brown)
  • March 13-Clearbrook
  • March 17-Crista Shores
  • March 26-Country Meadows

We’ll be pulling out some Irish tunes for March~Paddy on the Handcar, Flowers of Edinburgh, Whiskey in the Jar and a few others.     Contacts for scheduling or attending playouts: Sharon Habener  habs_@msn.com or Kay McCarthy kaycmccarthy@gmail.com

Join us February 15th for our monthly business meeting and jam.  We start at 11 am with an hour of music stand free jamming (always good practice to play by ear and from any memory you can recall!).  We’ll take a break for finger foods and a meeting at noon and then play some more, with written music if you want, until 3 pm.  Please join us.  Location- Kitsap Square Dance Hall 6800 W Belfair Valley Rd., Bremerton.

In addition to our regular 1st and 3rd Tuesday jams at the Silverdale Mall from 1-4 (in the Community Room next to Dick’s Sporting Goods) we are meeting for the winter on the 2nd, 4th and any 5th Tuesdays at the Subway in Silverdale on Bucklin Hill 1-4pm.  We’re jamming every Tuesday from 1-4 somewhere!  We have folks stopping by to listen and a few new musicians have visited with us. Do drop by!  We have a good time!

Check out our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/WOTFA5

I’ll attach a photo of one of our Christmas playouts.  We had fun.

Hope to see you around playing music somewhere.  Don’t forget Oly Old Time Feb 14-16 and Wintergrass.  Keep on playing!

District 5 Chair:  Kent McCabe  dkmccabe0723@gmail.com   360-277-6140 (texts preferred)

Respectfully submitted:  Reporter, Sandi O’Kelly    s_okelly@msn.com