For May…2023, District 4 has a meeting, a play-out, and two jams:
- 1st. Thursday, May 4 th. Play out at Sedro Woolley Senior Center at 11:30 am – 12:30 p.m. (715 Pacific St, Sedro-Woolley, WA 98284)
- 2nd and 4th. Fridays, May 12th.: Meeting and Jam.
- May 26th. Jam ….both are at Mt. Vernon Senior Center from 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm. (1401 Cleveland Ave, Mount Vernon, WA 98273)
Dist 4 – Summary notes for April’s gatherings:
Thursday April 6th. = Easter Luncheon at the Sedro Woolley Sr. ctr. consisted of Baked Ham, Scalloped potatoes, salad, and a specialty cake; all of those delights for our taste buds awaited to be severed to us; as we gathered one by one to bring music to the peaceful S/W Sr. ctr.; Murphy’s law was present as the sound system had all been unplugged for a good cause; lively action commenced as we eyed the clock; trying to start on time was delayed a wee bit; grace time at the close redeemed us; smiles, clapping, and the Easter spirit prevailed with our great audience as well with our 15 faithful musicians; with voice and instrument they made the room alive in sound waves to delight us! Thank you all for your great songs; and tribute songs today; Diana, Sarah, Danny, Steve, Gary, Dwight, Jack, Fred, Duayne, Debbie, Denise, Sarah Stixrud, Rhoxann, and Sharon and Irene from the Ctr. joined in the singing; with a grand finale in the united voices singing Just a Closer Walk With Thee; and it sounded very good! Special thanks to Irene in helping Dwight, Forest, and Fred in solving sound system plug in issues; without Irene’s help we would not have had the sound we needed! Thank you all for a very memorable Easter Play-out! See you all soon at Mount Vernon Sr. ctr. “Music is the mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life.” – Beethoven Thank You Sr. Ctr, servers, and helpers; we appreciate you all!
“Several research studies have revealed that music is an excellent way to unite people and create a sense of social connectedness.”
This will get you fiddling! 2022 National Old Time Fiddlers Contest and Festival Weiser Idaho. Check out Fiddle Camp!
A spectacular turn out of 19 willing music participants at our April 14th. Friday Jam / Meeting in sunny Mount Vernon; and icing on the cake with 18 in the audience; in the words of Jackie Gleason, “how sweet it is”! And sweet it was at the 8 p.m. break with 2 Coconut Cream pies from our Blue Ribbon Pie maker, Diana Morgan, and Sarah’s Pumpkin dump Cake; and others that contributed various cookies; thank you all! And our musicians present, Carol, Steve, Gary, Jack, Fred, Danny, Diana, Roxhann, Rich, Sarah, Dwight, Sirkku, Suzie, Denise, TJ, Forest, Barry, Sue, and Steve Dechenne. Barry and Hilary, and friend Sue joined us following their playing with Dist.16; happily reporting that it was a great turn out there of 24 or so musicians and some audience; that they started earlier about 3 pm till 10 pm, folks come and go; thank you folks for the update! We too will be discussing in the fall starting earlier. We too are grateful for our better turnout; some of our group mentioned it was like it use to be to be! Were very thankful; and for our dedicated Audience folks too; thank you!
6:35 – 6:50 p.m. We had our meeting, discussing:
- Play -out update; Sarah contacted the Sedro Wooley Sr.ctr about having a 2nd payout there; their “Advisory Board decided that staying with the 1st Thursday of the month performance was the way that they wish to continue.” Sarah will be calling some of the other facilities to see if they want us to come again. Our goal has been, and still is to do play -outs to raise funds to have students take lessons.
- We discussed having our teacher Diana be paid to teach Roxhann for a while; her brother has a hurt arm and cannot take lessons currently; we discussed and voted and approved to pay Diana to give Roxhann lessons.
- Circle discussion; some time back several in our group wanted to form a circle and play music; it was decided to give it a try; we opened up the discussion again to see how everyone felt after the trial circle run; folks voiced their opinions; along with how the audience felt; we then used the democratic way and voted; the majority wanted to return to the previous form; so next time we will set up in a horseshoe / semi circle given the room area; to give everyone room; and to make it good for the audience too! Thank you all for your good thoughts and participation!
“May your heart always be joyful. May your song always be sung.” Bob Dylan Interim Chair / Reporter Fred Robbins
Interim Chair /Reporter, Fred RobbinsSecretary – Needed
Treasurer – Sarah Buntin, Cell 360-320-1696, Sarah’s
Event scheduling Phone is # 360-679-6595 email:
Calendar Fred Robbins email:
Respectfully submitted, On behalf of the Fiddlers,
Fred Robbins
Music is life! Take a moment to visit the W.O.T.F.A. Home Website See The Tune of the Month! AND lots of other information!!!