It has been a quiet winter in District 2, with everyone avoiding the icy spots and thinking about warmer days ahead. The monthly performances at the Spokane Veterans’ Home are going very well, the Piney Ridge Pickers are going strong, and JayDean Ludiker is still chief psychiatrist for the the Fiddle Therapy Group.

We are looking forward to having some fun at the popular music venues that take place in this area each spring: The Northwest Regional Fiddle Contest will take place April 20 and 21, location to be announced. Fiddlers on The Peak will take place May 10 and 11 (mostly 11) at the Addy Grange on Main Street in Addy. The foodbank fundraiser in downtown Spokane probably will be the first weekend of June.

In the meantime, we’ll be practicing, eager for a stage to stand on and a chance to perpetuate this great American art form. I hope to hear you there!