District 15 will resume their meeting and jam on September 10th at the Sequim Prairie Grange.  We are changing venues because the Shipley Center is not available to us!  Please make the meeting so we can make decisions on how to move forward – stay at the grange or find another place?  Starting at 9:00 am it would be appreciated if you could come and help set up tables and chairs – and please bring a snack to share.  The plan is for a jam and possibly some instruction in the side room – no “performance” will be planned and we have the hall until 4:00 pm.
I will be sending out messages to our District 15 members to keep them updated – watch for them on your phone – called a “phone blast” and will contain updates on what’s coming up next.  Our 4th Saturday jam is scheduled at the Tri Area Community Center from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm.
Looking forward to seeing everyone!