District 8 Dance Band Practice
Mid-County Community Center 10205 44th Ave E, Tacoma, WACome learn and play with the district 8 dance band, the 1st and 3rd Monday evening each month at the Mid County Community Center
Come learn and play with the district 8 dance band, the 1st and 3rd Monday evening each month at the Mid County Community Center
3rd Sundays 2PM District 8 Meeting and Jam. We’ll have a short meeting followed by longer circle jam at 10205 44th Ave E, Tacoma 98446. Behind the school where there’s plenty of parking. Bring a friend and an instrument. Meet some nice people! Finger foods welcome.
Come learn and play with the district 8 dance band, the 1st and 3rd Monday evening each month at the Mid County Community Center
Presented by the District 8 Dance Band