2020 is finally in the rear view mirror.
The past year has been unprecedented and something that brought forward challenges for almost all of us. So many people lost their lives, couldn’t see their loved ones, spent days in isolation but most importantly, came together to fight the virus as one. It won’t be entirely wrong to say that the year 2020 has been a testing one in many different ways.
Away from all the negativity, bad memories of 2020, all we now need is some hope, positivity and cheer to have a fresher outlook and make newer beginnings in 2021.
Even though New Year’s Eve and the celebratory moment when the clock struck midnight was celebrated very differently this year, and various restrictions and curbs have been enforced on celebrations, we all need some motivation and pep-talk to keep each other’s spirits high. After all, it’s only when we, the entire community, come together as one can we really fight out the virus and emerge stronger and happier the next year!
It is time to face this challenge head-on. The WOTFA community is coming together to face the challenges before us in 2021. The uncertainty of what the year may bring is surely on all of our minds. We all miss getting together to enjoy each other’s company and to share our music with each other. Some of you have found ways to overcome some of these challenges already. With online jam sessions, lessons and workshops, you have chosen to not allow these times to stop you. We will preserver!
If you have not already done so, check out the WOTFA Learning Academy website. https://lms.wotfa.org. The WOTFA Learning Academy has created a series of online workshops and lessons that will allow you to continue to learn and grow with your music. We are currently seeking instructors to help provide content to the website. If you are a music teacher, and would like to contribute to the offerings on the website, please contact me at bill.crabtree@wotfa.org. I would love to hear from you and provide you with information on how you can get started with your own online studio. You will have the ability to set your own fees, hours and create recorded lessons to be purchased by the fiddling community. At the same time you will be supporting the mission of the Washington Old Time Fiddlers Association.
Thank you all, and have a very Happy New Year.