The start of September always brings the annual District 5 Labor Day Campout in Gorst at the Kitsap Square Dance Association.  I’m really glad I headed over to see everyone and play some tunes.  The weather was spectacular and the people and tunes were even better.  I played in my very first “Poker Jam” (which I still feel we could add a poker element to – by simply checking your hand at the end of 5 scrambles to see who has the best one).  I loved the chaos of the round with more than a dozen “hearts” and the overall fun nature of the mix and music.  It was a great way to meet so many new-to-me folks, and to learn tunes that are popular in other districts.  I don’t know if there was a distance award, but it was nice to see so many people from so many places coming over for the weekend’s events. I really loved hearing people teaching each other tunes that they themselves had learned at this year’s Fiddle Camp. It warmed my heart to watch and hear our core mission in action.

At the campout, I cornered a few people and had them proofread a little project I’ve been working on – a new “About us” flyer.  I haven’t ordered them for printing yet, but if you would like to put some up in your local music store, community lesson area, community information area, or just keep some in your instrument case for distribution at playouts or jams, please let me know, and I’ll do my best to get some mailed out to you once they’re printed. E-Mail me at  I also still have business cards if you would like some of those too (Easy to keep in your instrument case!)

As we work on building our membership and involvement, I’m looking for help with Social Media management. If you’re willing and able to help me out with our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and/or TikTok accounts, drop me a line! I’m not the best at these platforms, and although I try to get scheduled posts up, I need ideas/advice/general help!  Also, October is creeping up on us fast, and district elections happen at the October meetings.  As we work to build our membership, every district needs help and getting involved is the easiest way you can help out.  Put your name in to help your district!