Raise your hand if you have been chomping at the bit to find out if Fiddle Camp will be happening in 2022!
I see you all emphatically reaching for the skies. Well the answer is YES!
We know that it will likely be a smaller turn out but we are ready to have Fiddle Camp no matter what the size is. It started out in the late 80’s with only 20 students, and has grown to over 360 at different points over the years. We can do this! There may not be as many different classes/teachers as you are use to from years past but I guarantee they will still be top notch teachers and your experience at camp will be memorable so, get that time off scheduled with work, dust off that camping gear or get that hotel reserved because we are going to Fiddle Camp.
This year we are going to be starting something new. Each year we will give out the theme for that year’s camp and will be doing the t-shirt to match the theme along with other events. Please be sure to visit the website (fiddlecamp.wotfa.org) periodically for updates and join our facebook group “WOTFA Fiddle Camp”.