Well, here we are again, eh? District 8 has resumed some activities. I’ve held off changing our schedules on the web page calendar partly because it was some work getting them posted, and also, I was hoping that things would change sooner. Oh well. . . So I’ll try to make the calendar more useful again. Here are some ongoing activities:
3rd Sunday 2PM District 8 Meeting (short) followed by a circle jam (long). This is at the Puyallup Fairgrounds at the Fred Oldfield Heritage Museum – 4th Street Southwest and 9th Ave SW, Puyallup, WA 98371. It’s easy to find, and there’s ample parking. We hope to see you there.
Wednesdays 6PM Zoom Meeting. Still going! If you want to get an invite via e-mail, let me know.
Mondays 1PM-3PM Puyallup Senior Center on Pioneer Ave. This is a circle jam. Again easy to find, and park.
1st Friday 3:30 Circle Jam at Wilco Farm Store in Gig Harbor. 3408 Hunt St NW in the back. Contact Matt 202.631.3417
March 2nd Thursday. In March we will resume our quarterly playouts at Franke Toby Jones Community.
Other sites (Alaska Gardens, Juliane Estates, and Brookdale) have indicated interest in our resuming activities, so we’ll keep our fingers crossed and start practicing.
This just in! Golden Rose Community Ctr. will let us jam there again. We’ve played there for about 12 years in the past, and now new management has given us the chance to resume: in March Wed. 5-8PM and Fri. 1-4PM. So now I’ll need to find out who is available for these times. Let’s play some music!
Plans are still being made for the summer workshop too. Stay tuned on that.
Welcome new member Ken!
Hey! If you haven’t already, renew those memberships! Now’s the time! Need help? Give me a call.
Don’t forget to have a look at the WOTFA web page www.wotfa.org and also the District 8 web page. Click on LINKS at the top menu.
We would like more musicians at our circle jams and meetings. So why not drop in? Bring a friend. If you have questions, give us a call!
Barbara (253) 926-8457