I’m writing this newsletter in the smokey month of August.  Too bad we’re having fires all around us, but that’s nothing compared to the devastation in Spokane and other places. I’m keeping all those people in my thoughts and prayers.  Hopefully the fires will be out by the time this newsletter is published!

The District 6 meeting/jam will have already taken place on the first Sat. of September by the time you read this.  I assume we will have had a jolly time and also have sore fingers from playing so much music together!

If you missed the first one, you are certainly invited to the jam on the 4th Sat. of September.  The date is Sat. Sept. 23rd from 1 – 4pm.  All events are held at the DesMoines Masonic Center at 2208 S. 223rd in DesMoines, Wa.  We jam the whole time and some of us bring snacks to share.  All are welcome regardless of ability.  It is good for all of us to play songs others can play along with and help the beginners learn by sharing chords and music if possible.  Let’s make sure everyone has a good time.

October 7th is the next meeting/jam that follows the Sept. jam.  At 11 am, we jam, have a short meeting, and then a finger food potluck followed by more jamming until almost 4 pm.  Come join us!  Questions?  Email me.

Our playdates are going well and we are adding more as time passes.  Bernie regularly sends out a list of playdates and who is playing so that we can have a good group at each.  Thanks to all who volunteer their time to bring joy to the audiences.  Also, many many thanks to Bernie for doing all he does for our district.  We really appreciate him and Ena and Roy for being the officers and keeping our district going.

Lastly, I would like to remind you to look on the calendar at WOTFA.org each month to see the available events.  Katie Gotshell has added extra events that our members might find interesting in the surrounding area.  Take a look to see if any of these might be one you want to attend.  Thanks to Katie for listing these for us.

Goodbye until October.  Doesn’t time fly?

Jenny Swanson  /  timbutkoe@yahoo.com