We welcome the month of September 2022 in district 6 because we are resuming our twice monthly events at the DesMoines Masonic Center located at 2208 S 223rd in DesMoines, WA.

The first event (on the 2nd Saturday) is one big circle jam with a meeting stuck in the middle.  Doors open on Sept. 10th at noon and we jam until about 1 pm when we stop for a short meeting.  Then we will resume jamming until about 4 pm.

The 2nd event (on the 4th Sat.) is a circle jam with doors opening at 1 pm.  In Sept, this jam is on the 24th.

Everyone is welcome at these events so come ready to play and sing music.  Remember to bring your own music and choose songs that others can play along with and are well known.  It also helps to practice your songs before you come and think about which ones are in a key that is easy for most to play in.  It’s more fun if everyone can participate.  This isn’t a performance, but it is all about making music together.  Come and enjoy!

Lastly, remember that we will be holding an election for district 6 chair at the Oct. 8th meeting.  Please consider taking over Roy’s job.  Anyone who is brave enough to try will be well supported.  For questions about what this position entails or to run for chairman of  District 6, contact Earl DeWitt at earldewitt7@gmail.com

Here’s me signing off until next month.  If you have questions or comments please contact me.

Jenny Swanson                                                                                                                                                                                       timbuktoe@yahoo.com