Happy June to you all from District 6!  We are certainly glad that we extended our jams into May and June this year.  By the time you read this, both will have already happened.

The May jam was quite fun in that we had a new couple and another longtime member show up along with our regular crew.  I’ve included a couple of pictures in which Michael and Donna are highlighted.  They brought energy and different songs to our gathering.

Thanks so much, Michael and Donna (and husband) for coming.  You are always welcome!

Our last jam (for now) took place June 3rd.  We won’t be having any meetings or jams until September 2nd from 11 am – 4 pm.  Be sure to put that one on your calendar and join the fun!  That one is always a great reunion from the summer break.  Meanwhile, keep playing music along with your other summer activities.  Also, consider attending the summer workshop on the week of July 10th.  Sign up soon because classes are filling up.  All the info is on the WOTFA website.  It is a great way to get better at your music and to meet new people and see old friends.

Some sad news to share, we recently received word from Bev Thomas that Muriel Hardison passed away last weekend.  Muriel and Bud were long time members of District 6 a number of years ago and they had friends in other districts.  She used to perform at some of the playdates that Dave Bartley coordinated with the north end folks before he passed several years ago.  That’s where many of us got to know Muriel and her accordion.
Our playdates are going well at this point.  We are so grateful for the many members who are stepping up to play at them.  We have a good schedule of about 3 per month throughout the summer and into fall.

Meanwhile, I wish everyone a great summer.  We’ll see you in the fall.

Questions or comments,

Jenny Swanson