Greetings from District 6!  Summer has finally begun and the days are enjoyably warm and even include some sun!

Our playdates are continuing to bring joy to everyone involved.  Also, some of our members have attended festivals in various parts of the state.  The workshop has happened and that means that maybe things will continue to move more in the direction of normal life.


The main event in June was the celebration of Shirley Calvert’s life which was bittersweet.  We all miss her greatly, but it was sure nice to get together with people who loved her to share and remember a life well lived.  The event at the Masonic Center was well attended by family and friends who came from across the state as well as South Dakota, Wyoming and Idaho.  A nice lunch was provided and music played.

Roy and his family sincerely thank all who came.  A big thank you as well goes out to all who helped with the service and food.  I’ve included these pictures so you can see what it was like.


Have a great August and remember that our meetings and jams start up again in September, starting on the 2nd Saturday which is the 10th from 11 am to 4 pm.  More on those in the next newsletter.

Thanks for reading and remember to play music with your friends while you still can!

Jenny Swanson