Welcome to November 2023 everyone.  District 6 is proud to announce that we have a new chairman.  Roy Calvert finally gets to step down after so many years of serving so faithfully.  We are all very thankful to Tyler Hagood for taking Roy’s place.  Also, thanks to Roy and Shirley for doing so much for and with the fiddlers for so many years!  I’ve included some pictures that show Tyler as new chairman and Earl and Ena holding the meeting to get him elected:


We had a very nice meeting/jam on the 7th of Oct.  People came and went, but music was played throughout.  It’s great that everyone feels free to come for as much of the festivities as they can manage.  We’re glad that people make an effort to attend.  Below are more pictures from the Oct. gathering.  The first one is showing the game of musical chairs which was enjoyed by everyone.


On October 28th, we had a jam scheduled which will have already taken place by the time this newsletter is published.  Jams are always on the fourth Sat of the month (except for Nov and Dec) and run from 1-4 pm.  I have to miss this one because I will be out of town and as far as I know, a person can’t be in 2 places at once.  Too bad!  Hopefully you will have been able to attend and enjoy the camaraderie.

We will have a meeting/jam on the first Sat. of November which is the 4th.  This  is the only scheduled event in November, so be sure to come if you can.  All events are on the wotfa calender which shows the specifics, so look it up or email me.

Now for the future, which December counts as.  You won’t want to miss our Christmas party on Sat. the 2nd from 11 am to 4 pm.  The district has usually provided a ham and most everyone brings cold or hot food to share.  You are welcome to come even if you don’t bring food.  We usually have too much!  We tend to eat as close to 11 am as we can, so the ham is hot.  Then we get to the jamming which is our favorite part!  We do Christmas songs and also any others you like as well.  I know Christmas time is busy, but we’d love it if you came.  I will update the calendar on wotfa.org as soon as we have decided on this year’s specifics.  Anyone can look at the calendar, but you have to be logged in to see future months.

Remember to join or renew your membership before December.  Directions for paying online or by mail with a check and prices are listed very clearly at the beginning of the October newsletter on the website.  So, get going and join up so we can continue to spread old time fiddling around the state to young and old.

There is no more news, good or bad, to share this month, so here’s to the music!  Keep playing together and practice plenty.  Any questions or comments contact me at timbuktoe@yahoo.com

Thanks for reading this.

Jenny Swanson