Happy December to you all.  District 6 had a great jam at the end of October that I have some pictures for.  They were provided by Shawna Smith who’s been very nice to take pictures that give a good flavor of the enjoyable times we have at our events.  As you can see in the pictures below, we had many people attending on the 28th.  We were so happy to welcome people from Olympia and Puyallup along with the regulars and irregulars filling up the rest of the total of 18.

The first meeting in November was smaller, but still fun.  This was Tyler’s first official meeting as Chair of District 6 and he did well. We are all very grateful to him for taking us on along with his other duties as State President.  Here’s a picture of Bernie (treasurer), Tyler (president), and Ena (secretary).  We thank them all for their service.

During the meeting we discussed our Christmas party, scheduled for Dec 2nd from 11 am to 4 pm at the DesMoines  Masonic Center.  We are all looking forward to the yummy ham that Tyler will cook and the food everyone brings to share.  The party will run the same as described in the Nov. newsletter and on the calendar of WOTFA.org with the meal taking place first and jamming after that.  Christmas songs will be played as well as any other song you pick.  We hope you can come!

January will have 2 events in it.  The first one is our mtg/jam on the 6th from 11 am to 4 pm. The second is our jam on Jan 27th from 1 pm to 4 pm.   Each event will be posted on the calendar of the WOTFA site with a brief description and picture of the fabulous people who attend.  Please come and join us when you can.  No reservations are necessary!  The only thing required is a bit of patience with each other and a sense of having fun.

I recently learned about a beginning violin class being held in carnation at the Sno-Valley Senior Center (4610 Stephens Ave, Carnation, Wa 98014.  This class is free and will start on Wed, Jan. 17th at 2:30 pm and go until 3:30 pm and will continue for 10 weeks.  It is taught by Maya Stchur, an accomplished violinist for over 50 years.  If you have questions, please email carrieh@soundgenerations.org

We continue to play at various retirement homes each month.  A very sincere thanks goes out to Bernie for coordinating them and making sure all the dates have plenty of musicians at them.  Also, thanks again to the people who take the time to do these gigs and make the lives of the residents more enjoyable.  A shout out to Kathy, Roy, Earl, Jan, Penny, Clayton, Bernie, Joanne & Roy H., Brad, Bella, and Shawna (when they can).  Hopefully I didn’t miss anyone!

Remember to renew your membership soon if you haven’t already.  The November newsletter has directions for renewing online or by mail.  Support this very worthy organization.

Questions or comments can be sent to me at timbuktoe@yahoo.com

Have a good December and January.  See you in February!

Jenny Swanson