It’s been an interesting couple of months since I wrote the District 6 report.  June was a month that had 2 events and the weather was pretty undecided about whether it was going to be summer or not.  There was quite a bit of rain, but then July came along and said decisively that it would at last be summer for sure!

We had a wonderfully fun jam on June 1st this year.  There were more than 20 people who attended.  These included musicians and friends of theirs.  Also,  a couple from the Federal Way Historical society came to arrange to have us play for them at the end of June.  Thanks to everyone who came and made it the best jam we’ve had in years!  Here are a few pictures.

On June 29th, we did play for the Federal Way Historical society.  We had quite a good turn out of musicians for this one.  It was really fun to play together.  Jan Barber brought 3 friends to play and they added greatly to the music.  Also, Julie and Adam Kimball played with us.  That made 2 banjos with those two groups.  We also had two fiddlers, Bella and Roy, plus a ukulele, a harmonica, and quite a few guitars.  All in all, it was a nice 2 hour session.  Thanks to all for volunteering their time for this program.  Pictures below.

Even though it seems like a long time until the fall, I am personally looking forward to our first meeting/ jam.  Hopefully we will have a good turnout and can hear about all the fun things we each did this summer.  Meanwhile, Bella and Cici Smith will have attended the workshop in July.  We hope they had a good time and also learned a lot!

Here are the District 6 dates for the fall  (details on under the calendar):

  1.  September 7th is our meeting/jam from 11 am to 4 pm.
  2.   September 28th is our circle jam from 1 pm to 4 pm.
  3.   October 5th is our meeting/jam from 11 am to 4 pm.
  4.   October 26th is our circle jam from 1 pm to 4 pm.  (All events are held at the DesMoines Masonic Hall)

Take care and I’ll see you in September.

(for questions and comments, contact me at

Jenny Swanson