Greetings from District 6!  As I write this newsletter on Valentine’s Day, I am sending love to all the people who give their time to our association.  Thanks to Tyler, Laura, Jim, Katie, and Tom who serve as State officers and the many others who give time to their own districts as well.  We appreciate all of you even if we don’t show it much.

The weather here in King county has been sort of moderate in February and there are signs of spring everywhere!  Even if we get more cold weather, at least we’ll have longer daylight hours as we move into March!

Our jam / meeting on the 12th was well attended and we all enjoyed getting together to play music as usual.  Bernie, our treasurer is such an enjoyable guy to have around.  He pitches in wherever needed by teaching workshops, sending our meeting reminders, and even running the meetings when Roy can’t attend.  He also plays the mandolin pretty darn well and remembers quite a few songs.

(You can click on the pictures to make them bigger.)

It was so enjoyable to have the Smith family:  Dave, Cici, and Shawna join us again. (pictured below)

And, as you can see in the 2nd picture, Bernie and I enjoyed a short jam with Cici and Shawna.

We will have two events in March where y’all are welcome:

On Sat, the 12th, our monthly meeting/jam goes from 11am-4pm.  Bring your own lunch, coffee will be provided.  If you don’t like meetings, know that the Feb meeting only lasted 15 min.  pretty easy to endure!

The last jam until Sept. is scheduled for Sat, the 26th from 1-4pm.  April will have a meeting/jam on the 9th, but no jam on the 4th Sat of the month.

You’ve heard it said, Old age ain’t for the faint of heart!  Well, that’s holding true for a couple of our members.  Vivian Williams and Shirley Calvert are struggling with health issues.  Please keep them and their families in your thoughts and prayers.

Also, Gerry Creason died the week of Feb. 20th.  Condolences to her daughter, Terry Richard and family.  We all remember Gerry fondly for her wonderful voice and harmonies and for the many different guitar chords she used that added greatly to the music.  We haven’t had the pleasure of her company recently, but we have all missed her in our jams because of the variety of songs she did and the help she gave us whenever we asked.

Remember, take time for music!

Till next time,

Jenny Swanson                                                                                                                                                                                                            

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