As I write this Dec. newsletter, it seems like it’s been raining nonstop. We did need the rain, but not all at once! However, like the song, Keep on the Sunnyside of Life, there have been some bright spots. Those included a few sun breaks in the weather and regular jamming again. Also, we have been to a few playdates that were well received.
Our Nov. gathering was very enjoyable. Jack Hadfield came to jam even though he had a broken leg. That’s dedication! We hope it heals fast. Also, our newly elected state chair, Tyler, came Sat. and added greatly to our eclectic bunch. He’s pretty busy, so it’s always good to see him. Cici, our favorite 5 year old fiddler, played along while bowing an open string keeping pretty good time. She had a blast as did all the regulars. Check out the enclosed photos.
The Christmas party will happen on Sat. (12/11) from 11am-4pm at the DesMoines Masonic Center, 2208 S. 223rd. Doors open at 11am with jamming until we break for a short meeting at 1pm. Next up is lunch (bring your own) with Christmas cake provided for all! There will be more jamming after lunch until almost 4pm. Come prepared to play some Christmas music and celebrate with us. Everyone is invited!
We offer condolences to Rita Hubbard at the loss of her husband, Sid. You are in our prayers. Also, please remember Gerry Creason and Betty Bangs in your thoughts and prayers. They are both dealing with health issues.
Lastly, I encourage you to share your love of music with your family during your Christmas gatherings. I find that a short sing-a-long really helps change the whole atmosphere.
Merry Christmas to all,
Jenny Swanson,