The District 5 Campout will be held over Labor Day weekend, September 2nd – 4th at the Kitsap Square Dance Club in Gorst in conjunction with the dancers.  We will be playing for the dance Saturday night.  If you would like to play, please plan to join us at 10:00 am Saturday morning for the band practice.  Laura Farr will be teaching a tune or two at 11:00, followed by lunch at noon.  Other activities have not yet been determined, but some options could be a band scramble, Poker Jam, or a show.  If you plan to bring an RV, please be sure to contact Russ Richardson, the wagonmaster, asap so he will have a spot for you.  The cost to camp is $20 per night if you are using hook-ups.  Tent camping is $10 per night unless you use hook-ups, in which case, it’s $20 per night.  Everyone is on their own for dinner Friday night and all lunches.  The fiddlers will provide breakfast Saturday and Sunday morning, and hamburgers and condiments for dinner Saturday night.  Please bring a salad or dessert to share.  We will have a Gospel Hour at 10:30 Sunday morning.  All are welcome!

Our regular monthly meetings will begin again the third Saturday of September at the same location. We look forward to seeing you all again!  Hope you are enjoying your summer!