Greetings!  Happy Fall.  Researching quotes about Autumn, I’ll share this one with you.  ….And the sun took a step back, the leaves lulled themselves to sleep and autumn was awakened~ Raquel Franco.  Pause a moment to notice another transition.  We are adding Beer Barrel Polka, October Morn and Autumn Leaves to our fall setlist.  And we’ve been busy!  Our campout was a lot of fun-playing for the square dancers, sharing potluck foods, singing for gospel hour Sunday morning and jamming early and late.  We are grateful to our friends who helped set up the jam tent, cook and clean up after breakfast and dinner and brought their cheer and talents to share.  Thank You!  Be sure to Join Us next year-Save the date for Labor Day Weekend 2025.


You’re Invited! October 19th Workshop at the Kitsap Square Dance Hall with Tania Opland and Mike Freeman for an Irish Music workshop from 12-2 pm.  FREE to WOTFA members, not a member?–Join WOTFA.  Non-members will be asked to pay $20.  Tania and Mike are back from Ireland and ready to share their music with us.  Check out their webpage or keep up with what we are doing on our Facebook page

We’ve resumed our monthly business meetings every third Saturday from 11-3pm at Kitsap Square Dance Hall, 6800 Belfair Hwy, Bremerton.  The first hour is a No Music Stand Old Time jam where we listen and practice playing by ear.  After our business meeting from 12-1, we jam and music stands are permitted if desired.  Our LAST jam at the Salmon Center Barn in Belfair is September 24th.  Thanks JoAnne for your advertising, support and fiddle playing.  In addition to our regular 1st and 3rd Tuesday jams at the Silverdale Mall from 1-4 (in the Community Room next to Dick’s Sporting Goods) we will move for the winter to 2nd, 4th and any 5th Tuesdays to the Subway in Silverdale on Bucklin Hill 1-4pm.  We’re jamming every Tuesday from 1-4 somewhere!  Do drop by!  We have a good time!


  • September 28- Poulsbo Farmer’s Mkt
  • Oct 9- Willows
  • Oct 23- Country Meadows
  • Oct 30- Crista Shores
  • Nov 6- Clearbrook
  • Nov 22- Canterbury

Contacts for scheduling or attending playouts: Sharon Habener or Kay McCarthy

Want to include a photo of Bill with yet another of his much photographed basses.  This one was brought out for the Olalla Americana Festival in August because it has wheels for his long walk and does better than his banjo bass in possible misty weather.  Quite ingenious.  Ask him about it sometimes.  He gets us lots of attention and the cell phones are guaranteed to come out for photos!  A few musicians stopped by to try it out.  Thanks Bill!


It’s always good to visit with friends, so stop on by.  Hope to see a few of you at Old Growth Old Time in Seattle Oct 10-13th or perhaps the Madrona Music Festival Oct 26th on the Key Peninsula.

Kind regards, Sandi


                                                      District 5 Chair:  Kent McCabe   360-830-0317

Respectfully submitted:  Reporter, Sandi O’Kelly