Happy October! Can’t believe it will be here by the time you are reading this. We had great fun at our Labor Day Weekend campout, meeting up with friends from other districts, jamming morning, noon and night and sharing a potluck hamburger cookout on Saturday. The Square Dance was lots of fun, watching the dancers and picking up the speed on tunes like “My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean” was memorable. Hotdogs after the dance disappeared quickly. Gospel Hour on Sunday provided a special ending to a great campout.
We continue to be busy with playouts and will play 2 more Farmer’s Markets in September, hopefully before the weather gets too wet or chilly. October not only brings us Halloween, but also National Apple Month. (Q. Why didn’t the skeleton go to the dance? A. He had no body to go with?) We have a few polkas and the Autumn Waltz on our Fall tune list. We really enjoyed the enthusiasm of staff and residents recently who sang and danced along to Beer Barrel Polka; a fun rewarding playout! See what we’ve been up to https://www.facebook.com/WOTFA5/
Playouts for October
Oct 11-Country Meadows
October 26- Liberty Shores
Contacts: Sharon Habener habs_@msn.com or Kay McCarthy kaycmccarthy@gmail.com
We’re Jamming
- Jam in the BIG barn at the Salmon Center in Belfair each 2nd and 4th Tuesday 1-4pm through October
Address is 600 Roessel Rd. Belfair, WA. We play inside the barn which can be cool or hot but the doors are open wide and we have shade and shelter. Dress appropriately. Take a walk afterwards along the end of the Hood Canal. Lovely setting. https://www.pnwsalmoncenter.org/
- First and Third TUESDAY Jam
1-4 pm at Silverdale Mall next to Dick’s Sporting Goods
Celtic Jam will follow at the same location on the same first and third Tuesday 4:30-6:30 pm Written music is provided
Contact for the Celtic Jam is Sally Camp… ameasureatatime@gmail.com Or 360-271-7105

District 5 Chair: Kent McCabe dkmccabe0723@gmail.com 360-830-0317
Respectfully submitted: Reporter, Sandi O’Kelly s_okelly@msn.com