Greetings friends!  Hope this finds you enjoying the warmth of friendship, family and some good food.  With Gratitude, we can recognize the gifts of each day and look forward to the return of the light after winter solstice.  May your days be Merry and Bright!

At our past 3 monthly meetings, we’ve risked playing without any written music for the first hour and all agree it’s a good exercise and we can actually do pretty well while learning to trust our listening skills and listening to each other.  For December we will skip our business meeting and have a Christmas potluck, please join us from 12 to 4 pm in Gorst at the Square Dance Hall.  Jamming will follow our shared meal until 3pm.  Our meeting in January will resume at 11 with an hour of old time style playin’ without any written music.  A quick business meeting with finger food potluck and then back to jamming until 3 pm, with written music if you prefer!

We are trying out 2nd and 4th Tuesday jams in the Silverdale Mall at The Rock Wood Fired Pizza from 1-4pm.  We’re getting good feedback from the customers and staff.  First and Third Tuesday Jams continue in the Community Room of the Silverdale Mall next to Dick’s Sporting Good from 1-4.  We regularly have shoppers stop by to listen and love to watch the little kids dancing.  Come join us.  The Celtic Jam that followed the 1-4 jam is being discontinued at this time due to lack of participation.  Thanks to Sally and Kent for holding the space open for some fine tunes and singing.  Keep up with our activities on our Facebook page

One playout in December-the 16th.  Retsil Veterans Home has requested some Christmas music so we’re dusting off the usual tunes and also introducing them to Breaking Up Christmas.  It’s always fun to brush up on Christmas tunes and share them with others. Fond memories there.  No playouts scheduled yet for January.

Several members will be going to the Oly Old-Time Festival February 15-18th.  See you there!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from us to each of you.  May our music continue to bring people together and share some stories along the way.  Blessings.

District 5 Chair: Kent McCabe  360-830-0317

Respectfully submitted:  Reporter, Sandi O’Kelly