WOTFA District News August

Friday, July 28, 2023

12:25 PM

Hi there, friends.  Hope you are enjoying summer, getting together with family and each other and playing and listening to Lots of music!  June and July found District 5 playing at the Sand and Sawdust Festival once again, some members went to Fiddle Tunes and others to Fiddle Camp.  Always a good time, and inspiring.

August is the last hurrah of warm (too warm?) weather and also has two full moons.  The second full moon in August-a Blue Moon- is August 30th and will also be a supermoon, when the moon is closest to the Earth appearing much larger than usual.  How about brushing up on Moonlight (listen here Moonlight) or  Bill Monroe’s Lonesome Moonlight Waltz?

Gee, Fiddle Camp was so much Fun and it was great to get together, learn some new tunes, share ideas and catch up with old friends and new.  Good to see the young ones performing and enjoying themselves.  Make sure to set aside next July so you can be there, and bring some friends.

SAVE THE DATE.  District 5 Campout is scheduled for Labor Day Weekend September 1-3rd at the Gorst Kitsap Square Dance Association hall.  Camping Friday and Saturday.  If you plan to bring an RV, please be sure to contact, Russ Richardson (360-271-9502), the wagonmaster, asap so he will have a spot for you. Cost to camp is $20/night with RV hook ups.  Dinner on your own Friday night. Tune learning Saturday morning and Hamburgers are provided for the Pot Luck (bring a side dish or dessert) dinner Saturday before the square dance.  If you’d like to play for the dancers Saturday night (and you WILL because it’s Fun! To play for dancers!) ,  please plan to be there Saturday morning at 10 am for the band practice.  Breakfast is provided by District 5 Saturday and Sunday morning.  Lunch on your own.  Gospel hour at 10:30 Sunday morning.  Come join us!  More details will be posted on our Facebook page .  https://www.facebook.com/WOTFA5/


Our monthly meetings will resume September 16th, 3rd Saturday of each month at the Kitsap Square Dance Hall. NEW!!! We will meet at 11am for an Old Fashioned Old Time Jam without sheet music or those electronic devices (sounds like fun! Good LISTENING practice!!!) Business meeting with pot luck finger foods to follow from 12-1 and then JAM (with music if you’d prefer!) til 3.


We’re Jamming

  • Jam in the BIG barn at the Salmon Center in Belfair each 2nd and 4th Tuesday 1-4pm through October

Address is 600 Roessel Rd. Belfair, WA.  We play inside the barn which can be cool or hot but the doors are open wide and we have shade and shelter.  Dress appropriately.  Take a walk afterwards along the end of the Hood Canal.  Lovely setting.  https://www.pnwsalmoncenter.org/

  • First and Third TUESDAY Jam

1-4 pm at Silverdale Mall next to Dick’s Sporting Goods

Celtic Jam will follow at the same location on the same first and third Tuesday

4:30-6:30 pm  Written music is provided

Contact for the Celtic Jam is Sally Camp…    ameasureatatime@gmail.com    Or 360-271-7105

We’ll be doing a Kid’s Jam in August with children attending the Salmon Center’s Summer Camp.  Last year we played a few tunes and the kids had a chance to sing, play ukuleles, a washtub bass and kazoos.  Lots of fun.  My favorite was the kid who asked his mother (re: the fiddle) how does it make that sound?!!


Playouts scheduled

August 9 Willows

August 23 Crista Shores

August 24 Bremerton Farmer’s Market

August 31 Liberty Shores

Sept 15 Bay Pointe

September 20 Willows

September 23 Poulsbo Farmer’s Market

September 28 Clearbrook

September 30 Port Orchard Farmer’s Market

Contacts: Sharon Habener  habs_@msn.com or Kay McCarthy kaycmccarthy@gmail.com


SHOUT OUT to Sharon for all her hard work in getting us playout gigs and being the group photographer!  Thanks, Sharon!!  Also, a big  Thanks to Kay for the Farmer’s Market schedule.

Great group working together.



District 5 Chair:  Kent McCabe  dkmccabe0723@gmail.com   360-830-0317

Respectfully submitted:  Reporter, Sandi O’Kelly    s_okelly@msn.com