Winter is coming faster than I would want, though you can hear the sigh of relief from everyone in this area, that the fire danger has largely ended. I learned today that friends of mine who live in Elk, which is north of the city, were burned out. That tends to bring home the sadness and frustration at the arbitrary nature of such tragedies. As far as I know, however, the members of WOTFA have been fortunate this year and overall, I believe that the fire danger was contained more efficiently this year than last, so I am grateful to the local fire service for their diligence. Speaking of diligence, the nomination process is open for anyone who is a current member and wants to run for a leadership position on the Chapter roster. Some might feel intimidated by the heavy responsibilities of keeping order, maintaining a vision and writing a monthly column. But keeping order is just a matter of keeping your water pistol loaded, maintaining a vision just requires the occasional eye exam, and these columns practically write themselves. Aside from the great challenges and hard business decisions of Chapter Two, I think everyone had fun, of those who came out to play music and trade tunes at the jams and playdate opportunities that we offer. There are a few choices available, between the Fiddle Group Therapy, the Spokane Veterans’ Home and the Piney Ridge Pickers, for those who want to come out and play, so come out and be part of it!