Fingers have been very busy in District 2 of Eastern Washington, as the Northwest Regional Fiddle Contest had so many Small Fry and Junior-Junior fiddlers that the organizers had to cut each performers’ appearance from three tunes to two. And here, they’ve been asking me to do that for years. Performances were terrific and I think everyone had a good time. The Fiddlers On The Peak was in a new venue, a cozier Grange Hall just off the road a few miles north of Chewelah. I was hoping that some of the Really Old Contestants would get confused after driving in circles, decide to go back home and improve my chances of placing. Not only did that not happen, but I got scheduled between Jan Shelby and Barbara Curtis, which was a little embarrassing. When it came time for me to go on stage after Janet, I gave an embarrassed little shrug and smiled and played the tunes I brought. I think some of the performances are going to be available on YouTube, so I would recommend that you watch Ms. Shelby, Ms. Curtis, Leah and Helen Huguenin, Rob and Will Bailey. Skip the one between Janet and Barbara.