District 16 WOTFA – Evergreen Fiddler News for September 2022 – Reporter Dianne Gooch

A group of our WOTFA fiddlers entertained at the Arlington Street Fair in July and received an award. Thanks to our musicians.

Long time members, Chick & Virginia Crane, hosted a going away party at their beautiful home in Arlington. They have an offer on their home and will be moving to Idaho where some of their family lives. We will miss Chick’s sweet fiddle playing.

Our jam sessions will continue on every 2nd & 4th Friday nights. Mark your calendars for the 2nd & 4th Friday nights, 5:30 – 10:00 pm (or a bit later) at the Sisco Heights Community Club, 13527-99th Ave NE, Arlington, WA 98223.

Business meetings will resume in September on the 4th Friday jam. In October we will be voting for officers and Noel will entertain anyone who would be interested in serving.

Our next WOTFA Midway Jam will be Sunday,August 25, 1:30-4:00 pm, at the Lynnwood Library (19200 44th Ave W, Lynnwood). We have a great time playing fiddle tunes, bluegrass tunes, some swing tunes and being challenged with new tunes. I have a large email list so will send out the date when confirmed for September. Feel free to ask other musician friends to join us.

Dianne Gooch – Reporter – DLGooch2305@gmail.com
Noel Lareau-Chair-360-691-5907 –  Noelula@aol.com
Mayves Anderson-Sunshine Chair – mande93221@yahoo.com
Gary Nordby-Playout coordinator – gtnordby@frontier.com