District 16 WOTFA – Evergreen Fiddler News for August 2023 – Reporter Dianne Gooch

We were once again invited to play music for the Arlington Street Fair on July 7. Thanks to the district members who came out to entertain the people. We had a good turn out and  were generously compensated for performing.

Gary Nordby arranged for a layout at Fieldstone Memory Care in Marysville on July 14. This was a first time event at this lovely setting. Six musicians performed and it was rewarding to see the smiling faces in the audience. We hope to have more playouts scheduled at various places. Our members are spread out over many miles but each playout only requires 6-10 members so we encourage participation to those in your specific area.

We are having great turnouts at our 2nd & 4th Friday night jams. We begin at 3:00 pm and this allows folks to come and go with a more flexible schedule. The jams continue until about 10:00 pm (or a bit later) at the Sisco Heights Community Club, 13527-99th Ave NE, Arlington, WA 98223.  We also have coffee and welcome finger treats to enjoy.

Our next  business meeting will be held in September.

Our next WOTFA Midway Jam will be Sunday, August 27, 1:30-4:00 pm, at the Lynnwood Library (19200 44th Ave W, Lynnwood). We have 15-25 musicians at these jams. We have a great time playing fiddle tunes, bluegrass tunes, some swing tunes and being challenged with new tunes.  We are thankful to the Lynnwood Library for freely welcoming us to use this great room. This is a great air-conditioned place to play music on these hot summer days.

Dianne Gooch – Reporter – DLGooch2305@gmail.com

Noel Lareau-Chair-360-691-5907 –  Noelula@aol.com

Mayves Anderson-Sunshine Chair – mande93221@yahoo.com

Gary Nordby-Playout coordinator – gtnordby@frontier.com