The turn of the year approaches with its short days and long nights; the Holiday Season is upon us.  There will not be another newsletter until February.  Be sure to renew your memberships, y’all!

D16 continues with masked jams every 2nd and 4th Friday evening.  THE EXCEPTION is Christmas Eve, when we will NOT be jamming.  We are still not serving any refreshments – hoping that will change in 2022 – so bring your own.

What is new with D16?  Nothing.  We are in semi-limbo, awaiting the passing of Covid 19.  Hospital ICUs are still fairly (or completely) full of it and folks still dying of it.  Fewer in this state than most others.  I hope we are not, as a society, learning to live and die with it, especially since it is preventable. 

No play dates yet but we sure do enjoy our jams!  For me, at least, nothing is as fun and involving and instructive as making music with other folks.  So please join us!

In Memorium

Hank Shilling passed away recently.  He was 96 and had not been participating in jams for the last few years.  But many of us remember him fondly as a sweet and gentle man who played a beautiful guitar.  Hank was a devoted father and grandfather who encouraged us all to play and enjoy music; he participated in some of D16’s workbooks so we may still enjoy his music..  Hank also generously provided transportation to jams for one of his older friends, Dewayne Anderson.  Dewayne, another sweet and gentle man, played many beautiful traditional tunes, mostly Scandinavian, on his mandolin.

It was a privilege to know them.

So, happy, safe, loving, healthy, and musical holidays!


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