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Last modified: March 1, 2024

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The tune Midnight on the Water is attributed to the Texan fiddler Luke1 “Red Luke” Thomasson, dating back to around 1900.2 It gained notable recognition after being recorded by his son, fiddler Benny Thomasson (1909 – 1984), in 1970 for his album ‘Country Fiddling from the Big State,’ subsequently becoming popular within Old Time music circles. There is speculation that certain sections of Midnight on the Water bear resemblance to Old
Paint,3 a tune by Jess Morris, potentially indicating mutual inspiration, given the proximity of the Morrises and Thomassons in the Texas panhandle during that time period. Often performed in Deadman’s Tuning (DDAD) alongside the standard GDAE tuning, both are viable options, yet Deadman’s Tuning lends the composition a deep resonance, enriching its serene ebbing character.

—Kitty Steetle

Benny Thomasson tune Midnight on the Water

Benny Thomasson’s album Country Fiddling from the Big State

Vivian and Phil Williams

Tyler Childers

The Nordic Fiddlers Bloc

Paul Kirk – Old Paint

Bruce Molsky – Old Paint

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Last modified: March 1, 2024

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  1. I also found ‘Lucas’ and ‘Lewis Alexander’:,[↩]
  3. I think ‘Old Paint’ refers to a horse, but I can’t find confirmation. [“Paint’s a good pony, and she paces when she can” is a line in the chorus, at least as sung by Bruce Molsky. —Josh][↩]

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