Several years ago the Board of Directors voted to provide a means of holding the Board Meetings as online meetings.  Per our bylaws the Board Meetings are open to the membership of WOTFA.  This decision made it very difficult and cumbersome for our members to attend the board meetings and give their input.

Each of you as a current member have the right to attend and address the Board of Directors.  Until now providing the general membership with the option to attend these online meetings required that an invitation to the meeting be sent out to all voting members of WOTFA.

Voting on matters before the Board is still limited to the Board members, but, as a member of WOTFA you should be able to address the board and voice your concerns, ideas, and participate in the process that governs this organization.

Well it is now possible for every voting member to access the Board meeting directly from our website without a special invitation.  If you are a voting member of your district, meaning that you reside in the state of Washington and are current with your dues, you can now easily attend the board meetings that are held online.

Simply log on to the website at, click on the Meetings menu option, and select the meeting you would like to attend, by clicking the See More… link.

Meetings are typically scheduled in advance.  There will be a count down timer that shows above the meeting details, letting you know how long before the meeting begins.  There are two buttons that allow you to join the meeting.  One button is Join via Zoom App, and the other is Join via Web Browser.   Selecting the first button will require you to download and install the Zoom meeting software.  This is not necessary and is not required.  The easiest way to join the meeting is the second button, Join via Web Browser.  This button will open a window on your browser and allow you to join the meeting.  Enter your name and click the Join meeting button.

If you wish to join us at the board meetings, please make sure well ahead of time that you can log onto the website. I am usually on the website 1 to 2 hours prior to the meeting. If there are any issues I can assist you in clearing them up.  Once the meeting has started, I will not be able to assist you in logging in and you will not be allowed to join the meeting.  Meetings are limited to 100 participants.  There are 17 board members and 5 committee members.  That leaves 78 spaces available for the membership.

Online meetings are different than in person meetings and require considerably more control.  Each participant will be muted when they enter the meeting.  You will only be unmuted if you have a question and have “raised your hand” electronically.  The president will then need to recognize you, just as in an in-person meeting.  You will be given 2 minutes to address the board with your question.  The board will then be given the opportunity to respond to your question.

Review these simple rules of online meeting etiquette prior to joining any online meeting.

Please join us for the board meetings.  This is one of the best ways to participate in the organization and help direct it.