Hello all!  My name is Jenny Swanson and I am the new newsletter editor for our district.  My predecessor, Simon, did a wonderful job.  Thanks, Simon!  You can email me with news and an encouraging word anytime at timbuktoe@yahoo.com or call me (before 9:00pm) at 425-271-3599.

We had a nice first jam and meeting on Sat, Sept 11th.  It was really great to see everyone and play music together again.

Dates for Oct are Sat, the 9th with doors opening at 11:00am for jamming, a short meeting at 1:00pm followed by eating the lunch you brought, and more jamming until 4:00pm.

We will be having elections at this meeting like everyone else.  So, if there is anyone who would like to run for chair, contact Earl Dewitt at earldewitt7@gmail.com

Our October jam will be Sat the 23rd, from 1:00 -4:00pm.  Come enjoy getting together again if you haven’t already.

Please continue to keep Vivian Williams in your thoughts and prayers as she has been diagnosed with ALS.

Judy LaBlanc, a former member of district 6 passed away on Sept 7, 2021.  Our thoughts and prayers are with her family.  No news on the service at this time.

Jack Hadfield’s wife, Jan, died on Sept, 14th, 2021 after being on hospice.  She’s done a lot in her lifetime including volunteering at our state workshop many years.  She will be missed.  Her funeral will be on Sat, Oct 9, 2021 at 11:00am at Trinity Lutheran Church, 1535 Washington Ave, Enumclaw, WA.  I’m sure Jack and their daughter could use encouragement and prayers right now, so send them on.

Remember to enjoy the music and the people who play it with you.  It’s a gift!

Till Nov…



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